What is…

What is the toy you most treasured?

My bear called Holly Bear. She was my favorite “doudou.” I loved to sleep with every night until…*gross alert* I used to throw up in my sleep. It’s disgusting I know, but what can ya do. One night I was sleeping with Holly Bear and I happened to throw up on her. We put her in the wash and everything but she had dried throw up in her socks for years after. And I still loved her and carried her everywhere.
(Why was I such a gross kid?!)

What is something that nobody has said to you, and probably never will?

I couldn’t decide between “You have amazing knees,” and “You have amazing ear lobes.” What’s worse?


Happy days my friends–

Back from the Dead

A lot has changed since I last posted! I just got busy with school and stuff and lazy about posting. Sorry! But I’m back with a different outlook.

Briefly —


I got a job in September working as an English conversation teacher for a computer technology school. Then I quit in January.

I moved in with my french lover boyfriend in August. I broke up with him in December. We moved out in January.

I went home to Texas for Christmas. My baby Timber (boxer dog) was very sick. Without being too medical, he had an infection in a vertebrae which caused him soo much pain while walking because the vertebrae had turned soft and was pressing against his nerves. He would scream out when he walked.



My brother and his gf of a few years finally got married in August! I was luckily able to attend and was honored to be the “Best Man/Sister” 🙂


I started giving private English lessons which are going great. I also got two different babysitting jobs. One that started this past week; The 2 little girls are amazing. The 5 yr old was born in America & speaks Russian, English, Lebanese, and French. The 1 1/2 yr old speaks Russian and English. Their parents are Russian and Lebanese and they’re living in France. Crazy?! The other babysitting will be on Saturdays starting in April with a 4 month old baby boy and a ~5 yr old girl.

I moved into my own studio apartment that is actually quite big and already feels like home. Story about the boyfriend situation to come.

Timber, after being on a strict anti-biotic and pain killer regime, is doing 1000X better! He’s back to his old self: playing, running, being overall silly. We really considered the thought that he might have to be put down if he doesn’t improve because his quality of life was 0.. No drinking water, no eating, barely getting up to do anything… But now I have my baby back and he’s back to being the annoying little stinker he once was!



I started reading more books. I bought a book called 642 Things to Write About which includes random topics and questions to get you writing, so I started writing more. And, I started coloring again- so relaxing!

I promise I’ll keep posting. I still have a lot to share!

Thanks for visiting–